Scientific Articles

Constraining the gravitational-wave energy density of the Universe in the range 0.1 Hz to 1 Hz using the Apollo Seismic Array; Physical Review D 90, 102001 (2014)
Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna; White Paper submitted to ESA's call for ideas for exploring the Moon with a large European lander (2020)
Moon's vibration modes in the mHz band and the Lunar Gravitational-Wave Antenna; Artemis Science White Paper (2020)
Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna; The Astrophysical Journal 910, 1 (2021)

Lunar Gravitational-wave Detection; Topical Paper submitted to the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space (2021)

Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna; Research-Campaign Paper submitted to the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space (2021)
Seismic Background Limitation of Lunar Gravitational-wave Detectors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 071102 (2022)
GWFish: A simulation software to evaluate parameter-estimation capabilities of gravitational-wave detector networks;  Astronomy and Computing 42, 100671 (2022)
A cryogenic inertial sensor for terrestrial and lunar gravitational-wave detection, Nucl. Instr. Methods in Phys. Research Section A 1041, 167231 (2022)
The payload of the Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna, Journal of Applied Physics 133, 244501 (2023)
Lunar Gravitational-wave Detection, Space Science Reviews 219, 67 (2023) 
Opportunities and limits of lunar gravitational-wave detection, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 382:20230066 (2024)
Response of the Moon to gravitational waves, Phys. Rev. D 110, 064025 (2024)
The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: Mission Studies and Science Case, JCAP 01, 108 (2025)


In the Media

LGWA ApJ paper selected by AAS NOVA as one of the most read papers in AAS journals in 2021!
LGWA il nuovo progetto per misurare le onde gravitazionali dalla Luna, le Scienze, 2021
Silenziosa Luna, sarai il gong dell'universo by Licia Troisi, La Repubblica, 2021
Building a gravitational-wave detector on the Moon, LIGO India blog, 2021
LGWA at Università di Camerino, RaiNews, Futuro24, 2022
Lunar GW Detection, LIGO Magazine, 2022
How We Could Turn The Whole Moon Into A Gravitational Wave Detector, IFLScience, 2024